1. The parts of a letter
Every well-constructed letter is made up of six essential parts. All letters –
friendly, social and business-conform to this basic outline.
1) The heading
2) The salutation
3) The body of the letter
4) The complimentary close
5) The signature
6) The superscription (envelope address)
The Heading
The heading of a letter is placed (one and a half centimeter from the top of the
page) in the upper right-hand corner. It includes the writer’s address – his house
number, street, city, state (in case of the USA ), the country, and the date on which the
letter is written. Abbreviations should not be used except for states.
Two forms of the heading are permissible: the block form and the indented
form. The block form is probably the most frequently used. Whichever style you
adopt you should use it consistently for the complimentary close, for the signature,
and the address on the envelope.
Block Form Indented / Step Form
Rural Route 2, Box 39 1436 Cherry Boulevard
Waterville , Minnesota Granville , Ohio
August 28, 20___ October 4, 20___
The date is very important and should never be omitted. It goes immediately
below the address – never above it, or on the same line with it. Do not abbreviate the
month (like ‘Jan.’, ‘Apr.’, ‘Oct.’, ‘Nov.’).
You do not need ‘st’, or ‘rd’, or ‘th’ after the day of the month.
February 1, 2003; May 3, 2003; June 10, 2001.
A comma should be put between the day of the month, and the year, to separate
the numerals and prevent confusion.
186 Laring Avenue
Buffalo , New York
July 16, 20___
The Salutation
It is to be written at the left-hand side of the sheet above one and a half
centimeter below the heading. The point at which you start the salutation will be your
left-hand margin. (The salutation should start at whatever point you want the margin
to be.)
Since the salutation is your greeting to the recipient of the letter, its wording will
depend largely upon your relationship to her or to him. The first word and the name
of the person being greeted are always capitalized.
‘Dear Miss Smith.’
For most letters a comma is used after the salutation.
186 Laring Avenue
Buffalo , New York
July 16, 20___
Dear Kate,
Forms of Salutation
Here are some forms of salutations used in letters by Englishmen and
Dear Mr. Brown:
Formal Dear Miss Smith:
Dear Mrs. Stockwell:
Dear John,
letters Informal
Dear Mary,
My dear Jane,
To close
My dear Max,
My dear Miss Brook,
The Body of the Letter
In writing the body of the letter, start a new paragraph every time you change to
a new subject. Begin each sentence with a capital and end it with a full stop or some
other appropriate punctuation mark.
The body of the letter is, of course, its most important part. It is here that you
accomplish your purpose by writing your message clearly and interestingly. If you
consider the content of your letter as representing you, you will be careful of what
you say and how you say it.
Yet many people send poorly written and uninteresting letters to their best
friends. They do not value or respect friendship as they should.
186 Laring Avenue
Buffalo , New York
July 16, 20___
Dear Kate,
We were glad when the postman left us your letter today.
Although you have been away only three days, it seems like
My parents and I are pleased that you are having a good
time and a complete rest.
Bob was over for supper last night. He has had a course
in camp cooking and grilled a steak for us.
Bob says that he will write you a letter tomorrow. Have a
good time.
The Complimentary Close
The close is the complimentary ‘Good-bye’ before you sign your name and put
the letter into its envelope. Its wording will depend largely upon the tone of the letter
and upon your relationship to the person to whom you are writing. The
complimentary close should begin approximately halfway across the page and one
line below the last line of the body of the letter. Only the first word should be
capitalized. A comma should always follow the close.
English and American Closing Phrases
Here are some of the complimentary closing phrases:
Yours affectionately,
Lovingly yours,
Always yours,
As ever,
You should never begin the complimentary close with ‘Hoping you are well’, ‘I
am’ or anything else as vague and dull.
The Signature
If you have used the indented style in the heading, you will sign your name one
space below and a little to the right of the beginning of the complimentary close. If
you have used the block style, you will begin your name directly beneath the first
letter of the complimentary close. Do not place a full stop or other mark of
punctuation after your signature. You will sign only your first name or a nickname if
you are writing to a relative or a good friend. In all other letters you should write your
name in full.
A man does not write ‘Mr’ before his name. A woman does not write ‘Miss’ or
‘Mrs’ before her name unless the person to whom she is writing does not know her
status. The correct title should be enclosed in parentheses.
There are some basic rules to observe:
- Always sign by hand, in ink.
- Write legibly, so there can be no doubt as to the exact spelling of your
- Sign your name without any accompanying titles.
Here are a few examples of signatures used in letters:
Yours very sincerely, Always yours,
James Corbold Dick
Sincerely yours, Sincerely,
Robert Anderson (Miss) Anges Jones
A complete letter
186 Laring Avenue
Buffalo , New York
July 16, 20___
Dear Kate,
We were glad when the postman left us your letter
today. Although you have been away only three days, it
seems like thirty.
My parents and I are pleased that you are having a
good time and a complete rest.
Bob was over for supper last night. He has had a
course in camp cooking and grilled a steak for us.
Bob says that he will write you a letter tomorrow.
Have a good time.
Lovingly yours,
1. The parts of a letter
Every well-constructed letter is made up of six essential parts. All letters –
friendly, social and business-conform to this basic outline.
1) The heading
2) The salutation
3) The body of the letter
4) The complimentary close
5) The signature
6) The superscription (envelope address)
The Heading
The heading of a letter is placed (one and a half centimeter from the top of the
page) in the upper right-hand corner. It includes the writer’s address – his house
number, street, city, state (in case of the USA ), the country, and the date on which the
letter is written. Abbreviations should not be used except for states.
Two forms of the heading are permissible: the block form and the indented
form. The block form is probably the most frequently used. Whichever style you
adopt you should use it consistently for the complimentary close, for the signature,
and the address on the envelope.
Block Form Indented / Step Form
Rural Route 2, Box 39 1436 Cherry Boulevard
Waterville , Minnesota Granville , Ohio
August 28, 20___ October 4, 20___
The date is very important and should never be omitted. It goes immediately
below the address – never above it, or on the same line with it. Do not abbreviate the
month (like ‘Jan.’, ‘Apr.’, ‘Oct.’, ‘Nov.’).
You do not need ‘st’, or ‘rd’, or ‘th’ after the day of the month.
February 1, 2003; May 3, 2003; June 10, 2001.
A comma should be put between the day of the month, and the year, to separate
the numerals and prevent confusion.
Private letters
The structure of a private letter doesn’t differ from that of a business letter.
Differences in style are induced by the informal character of the message. Private
(personal) letters are usually handwritten. White stationary is most popular and
always correct.
The language of private correspondence is still more informal.
The Body of the Letter
In writing the body of the letter, start a new paragraph every time you change to
a new subject. Begin each sentence with a capital and end it with a full stop or some
other appropriate punctuation mark.
The body of the letter is, of course, its most important part. It is here that you
accomplish your purpose by writing your message clearly and interestingly. If you
consider the content of your letter as representing you, you will be careful of what
you say and how you say it.
Yet many people send poorly written and uninteresting letters to their best
friends. They do not value or respect friendship as they should.
a) opening phrases:
Thank you for your letter I received a Спасибо за письмо,
fortnight ago, so it’s time I wrote back. которое я получил 2 недели
назад, пора мне ответить.
Thank you for your kind letter. Спасибо за Ваше доброе
Thank you for your letter. I’m glad to Спасибо за письмо. Очень
receive a book. обрадовался, получив книгу.
Your lovely letter of Dec. 8 was Очень признателен за
received and truly appreciated. It was nice to Ваше чудесное письмо от 8
hear from you and to know you are well & декабря. Приятно узнать, что
happy. Вы чувствуете себя хорошо и
вполне счастливы.
I was very pleased to get your letter. Очень обрадовался,
получив Ваше письмо.
I was thrilled and happy to receive your Страшно обрадовался,
letter (col.) получив твое письмо. (разг.)
I have received your letter with Получил Ваше письмо, где Вы
the news that … сообщаете о …
I’m taking this opportunity to Пользуясь случаем, пишу Вам
write you a few lines … несколько строк …
I’ve enjoyed very much having Я был счастлив познакомиться с
made your acquaintance and I hope Вами и надеюсь, что мы еще
we’ll meet again … встретимся …
At last I have found time to write Наконец-то я выбрал время,
to you a few lines … чтобы черкнуть Вам несколько фраз
I should write much sooner, but I Мне следовало напи
have had much work to catch up with гораздо раньше, но у меня было
(infor.) столько дел
I regret being so tardy in writing Прошу простить за мой
to you … (infor.) запоздалый ответ …
You must be thinking I have Вы должно быть подумаете, что
forgotten all about my promise to я совсем забыл о своем обещании
write to you … (infor.) писать Вам …
I’m sorry to be so long about Извините, что я так долго
answering your letter … отвечал на Ваше письмо …
I’m sorry that I written Прошу прощения, что не
sooner (I I have been both busy and написал раньше (Я был очень занят и haven’t
maybe a little lazy) … (infor.) может чуточку ленив) …
b) Ending phrases:
It was a pleasure to have met you Очень был рад познакомиться с
… Вами …
I’ll send a letter airmail so you Посылаю письмо авиапочтой,
should have it soon … чтобы Вы получили его быстрее …
I shall close this letter now … Пора заканчивать …
That’s all for now. Пока все / Вот и все.
This will end the letter. We will Этим заканчиваю письмо.
try to write occasionally and would Время от времени будем писать Вам
hope that you would write to us also. и надеемся получать от Вас ответы
на наши письма.
Well, I can’t think of any more to Больше ничего не идет в голову,
say, so I’ll finish now. (informal) поэтому заканчиваю.
I seem to have written a (awful) Написал (страшно) много, пора
lot, so I’ll finish now. (informal) заканчивать (закругляться).
I’ve rambled on long enough. Ну, я уже достаточно чепухи
(col.) намолол.
I shall bore you with no more Не буду больше надоедать Вам
words about … (col.) …
Hopes and Wishes:
Hoping to hear from you … Жду ответа …
Do let me hear from you (when Пишите мне (как только будет
you have time to write) … время) …
Looking forward to seeing С нетерпением жду ответа …
you/hearing from you.
Please, write to us whenever Пишите нам, когда есть
possible as we should very much enjoy возможность, нам так приятно
hearing from you … получать письма от Вас.
When you can spare the time, Как только выкроите время,
please write and tell us about your напишите нам, пожалуйста, о Вашей
activity … (informal.) деятельности …
Write again when you have time. Пишите, как только будет
(informal.) время.
Please write and give me all Пожалуйста, напишите мне и
details about … (informal.) расскажите все подробно о …
I promise not to be so tardly in Обещаю не опаздывать с
answering … ответом.
I hope you’re prompt in writing Надеюсь, Вы не будете медлить
… (informal.) с ответом …
Drop me a line (col.) Черкните мне несколько строк.
I’ll try to drop a line later (col.) Позже я черкну несколько
Give my best regards to … Большой/сердечный
your husband
Kindest regards to … Вашему мужу.
Best wishes to … (you and your family Наилучшие пожелания
for good health and happiness) здоровья и счастья Вам и семье)
Remember me to … Передайте от меня привет…
Give my love to … (inform.)
I’ll close now with very warm regards И в конце письма (передаю)
to you from my husband. сердечный привет от моего мужа.
Mr. Brown Мр. Браун передает
sends kind regards and best wishes with mine/ большой привет и
joins me in extending our most sincere wishes for … наилучшие пожелания…
Complimentary Closing:
Its form depends on the person to whom the letter is written. Only the first letter
is capitalized. A comma follows the close.
‘Sincerely (yours)’ is rather formal. Then follow some informal closings in an
increasing scale of intimacy :
(Yours) Affectionately (yours)’ - most popular.
‘Yours (ever)’;
‘Best wishes’;
‘Good luck’;
‘Best of luck’;
‘Your friend always’;
‘Love from’;
‘Lots of love from’;
‘With love’ (the last three usually between young ladies).
The signature in a private letter is simply the name of the person writing the
letter. A letter to a good friend may be signed
with the first name
1. The parts of a letter
Every well-constructed letter is made up of six essential parts. All letters –
friendly, social and business-conform to this basic outline.
1) The heading
2) The salutation
3) The body of the letter
4) The complimentary close
5) The signature
6) The superscription (envelope address)
The Heading
The heading of a letter is placed (one and a half centimeter from the top of the
page) in the upper right-hand corner. It includes the writer’s address – his house
number, street, city, state (in case of the USA ), the country, and the date on which the
letter is written. Abbreviations should not be used except for states.
Two forms of the heading are permissible: the block form and the indented
form. The block form is probably the most frequently used. Whichever style you
adopt you should use it consistently for the complimentary close, for the signature,
and the address on the envelope.
Block Form Indented / Step Form
Rural Route 2, Box 39 1436 Cherry Boulevard
Waterville , Minnesota Granville , Ohio
August 28, 20___ October 4, 20___
The date is very important and should never be omitted. It goes immediately
below the address – never above it, or on the same line with it. Do not abbreviate the
month (like ‘Jan.’, ‘Apr.’, ‘Oct.’, ‘Nov.’).
You do not need ‘st’, or ‘rd’, or ‘th’ after the day of the month.
February 1, 2003; May 3, 2003; June 10, 2001.
A comma should be put between the day of the month, and the year, to separate
the numerals and prevent confusion.
Private letters
The structure of a private letter doesn’t differ from that of a business letter.
Differences in style are induced by the informal character of the message. Private
(personal) letters are usually handwritten. White stationary is most popular and
always correct.
The language of private correspondence is still more informal.
The Body of the Letter
In writing the body of the letter, start a new paragraph every time you change to
a new subject. Begin each sentence with a capital and end it with a full stop or some
other appropriate punctuation mark.
The body of the letter is, of course, its most important part. It is here that you
accomplish your purpose by writing your message clearly and interestingly. If you
consider the content of your letter as representing you, you will be careful of what
you say and how you say it.
Yet many people send poorly written and uninteresting letters to their best
friends. They do not value or respect friendship as they should.
Forms of Salutation
Here are some forms of salutations used in letters by Englishmen and
Dear Mr. Brown:
Formal Dear Miss Smith:
Dear Mrs. Stockwell:
Dear John,
letters Informal
Dear Mary,
My dear Jane,
To close
My dear Max,
My dear Miss Brook,
The Body of the Letter
In writing the body of the letter, start a new paragraph every time you change to
a new subject. Begin each sentence with a capital and end it with a full stop or some
other appropriate punctuation mark.
The body of the letter is, of course, its most important part. It is here that you
accomplish your purpose by writing your message clearly and interestingly. If you
consider the content of your letter as representing you, you will be careful of what
you say and how you say it.
Yet many people send poorly written and uninteresting letters to their best
friends. They do not value or respect friendship as they should.
a) opening phrases:
Thank you for your letter I received a
fortnight ago, so it’s time I wrote back.
Thank you for your kind letter.
Your lovely letter of Dec. 8 was
received and truly appreciated. It was nice to
hear from you and to know you are well &
I have received your letter with
the news that …
I’m taking this opportunity to
write you a few lines …
I’ve enjoyed very much having made your acquaintance and I hope
we’ll meet again … …
At last I have found time to
write to you a few lines
I should write much sooner, but I
Have had much work to catch up with
I’m sorry to be so long
about answering your letter …
b) Ending phrases:
It was a pleasure to have met
I shall close this letter
That’s all for now
I shall bore you with no more
words about … (col.)
Hopes and Wishes:
Hoping to hear from you
Looking forward to seeing
you/hearing from you.
Write again when you have time.
Drop me a line (col.)
I’ll try to drop a line later (col.)
Give my best regards to
Best wishes to … (you and your
family for good health and happiness)
me to …
Complimentary Closing:
Its form depends on the person to whom the letter is written. Only the first letter
is capitalized. A comma follows the close.
‘Sincerely (yours)’ is rather formal. Then follow some informal closings in an
increasing scale of intimacy :
(Yours) Affectionately (yours)’ - most popular.
‘Yours (ever)’;
‘Best wishes’;
‘Good luck’;
‘Best of luck’;
‘Your friend always’;
‘Love from’;
‘Lots of love from’;
‘With love’ (the last three usually between young ladies).
The signature in a private letter is simply the name of the person writing the letter.
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